Sunday, February 13, 2005

why polyester is not good for nightclubing

so anyway i was hitting the dance floor bustin' a move when i realised that ooh ahh i was getting a tad overheated there. I was all set to rip off ye old shirt, but I couldn't break the golden rules:

1. My friends were in another section, not a good look to do this when on the floor by oneself (ie. i did not want to look like a complete fabio el-sleazo).
2. I was the only person really ripping it on the floor, so I would'a looked like a right chump.
3. I haven't worked out for a while, it's only good to do that when either in a room of drug fiends who are approaching meltdown or if some girl is taking it off for you with intent.

well here I am, roasting it up, and i realised that hmm, february in Perth and a long sleeved polyester shirt in a nightclub launced me into sauna land. what's the deal with geisha these days? it felt like a blue light disco, everyone seemed so timid there. meanwhile poor old jess had crashed early, Bec's super home made cocktails had us rolling like hobos by the 4th glass.
well yes so a good night was had and here endeth today's lesson.


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