Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Time to write something useful in this blog

Whilst I was procrastinating the best part of my day away yesterday, I thought of an idea that had entered my mind a few years ago, but i never seemed to get around to following up. That is, I think now that i've got a blog happening I might start to write about my adventures of 97 and 2001. I was checking out Julie's blog, and she is using it as a way to get her books going, as she lives on an island in the south Pacific and doesn't get much literary criticisms from her peers, so it helps her to write her thoughts online. I'm not thinking of publishing anything I write, I just want to get it down before I start forgetting what happened. I was reminded of some stuff I did 10 years ago the other day, and I had totally forgotten doing it! And it wasn't even some drug crazed adventure, so I had no excuse for it being lost from my head. I might start bit by bit.. all I need is to have a bit of definate nothing-else-to-do time, not something I have much of whilst studying.
But are my adventure tales just predictable stuff that anyone in their 20s might say? I mean I was travelling around Europe, and lots of people do that. Nah.. Ill do it just for my own eyes, so I can jog my memory reading it when I'm a crusty old invalid!
Any suggestions as to how I should approach this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Leather Pants,

Please do write about your travel experiences. Everyone has their own perspective and yours will be quite interesting. If for nothing else, it's your own personal memoir.

7:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with Ms. d Riso- how are you gonna remember all the madness otherwise? i know photos are great for jogging the memory...i used to keep my receipts from EVERYWHERE i went, like cinema tickets, even cafes...scribble everything that happened that day...i kept a little travel diary too when i was in perth. so keeping physical items worked for me, i didn't really feel the urge to write it down-everytime i listen to Grinning Cat I remember what I did that day! grant i've heard a lot about your travel adventures & i would love to be able to read some more about them. emma

7:04 pm  

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