Friday, June 17, 2005

Feeling nostalgic on the last day of university.

I feel sad today. Here I am about to finish off my last two article summaries for Planning Theory, of which I will be intensely happy about. This semester's study has sucked major ass, as this blog can testisfy to my constant complaining. But the fact that I am not coming back here to Curtin next semester makes me feel a twinge of sadness, and I know that I will have to let go of another part of my life. It also is very exciting, as finally I will be able to get a full time job, a career path at last, and get some money to my name! It's the uni lifestyle that I am going to miss the most. The faces, the strangers who you see everyday but say hi to because you know their faces - I will miss that. This is a chapter of my life where I have met all of my new friends, some are still here, some have already moved on. Now it's crunch time, and its time to get out of my little cocoon of comfort and do stuff again.

I am pretty excited about it when I think about it. So many options for me! I just hope that I don't get too many job rejections, I had a summer full of them and I know after a while it does get me down. Next week I'll follow up the Latvia option, and I'll make the grand changeover from Austudy to the Dole. Ironic how i will receive $70 a week more for being unemployed than when I was a student trying to improve my life. Hopefully that won't last long, I'm no teen stoner and I want to be moving asap. Hmm, I think in the next couple of weeks it is time for a holiday. I just got an email from Frankie and surprise surprise she's been to a few countries since we chatted last (yes I am envious of her lifestyle:- except for that enemy-of-the-state-of-Indonesia thing), I'll treat her movements as inspiration to get me travelling again!

I just stopped everything to look around at my surroundings. All will be different at the end of today. Sad.. but also cool. I only have one regret from this place ..I never did get to have sex on the roof of the gymnasium!

Hehe, the Mauritian Fabios and whats-is-name, the "Prince" from Columbia (everyone knows him, but can never remember his name) have just walked into the Abacus computer lab. Those guys will be having a party next week, it should be a mighty fine way to end uni. All will be fine and debaucherous. ..Oh and of course I will miss the ample booty watch that has been my favourite subject at uni. Goodbye to all those sweet sweet looking butts on campus.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Francisco and Stefan?

i feel like everyones leaving me! im taking so goddamn long to complete my degree that there really will be all these new faces and i'll be the old one... sad

i guess you'll have to try and settle for looking at cure butts in tight business wear other than baggy jeans

5:35 pm  
Blogger Elise said...

I understand how you feel, but be confident... Always look at the bright side of life! ;) Best of luck!

Thanks for your concern, btw.

my computer didn't had a virus. It was the motherboard that was fucked up... only hardware problens. *sighs*

7:56 am  

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