Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The elusive good times

mrlederhosen seems to be stuck in a rut. You know, those ruts when you know that you have had a long run of having a good time, and so you put up with the crappy times as you believe that sooner or later everything will balance out and things will be better. Well, I've been having a crappy time for most of 2005, and I'm really over it. Sure i'm being whingey, but hey this is my blog so i'll continue.
I realised a couple of weeks ago that the 3 core things in my life are not making me happy. They are:
  1. Home
  2. Love
  3. Work

So I faced the one that didn't matter to me the most, and left my job. But of course, as a result of this I cannot now get my own place, so I am still living in compromised situations. The love thing, well that probably wouldn't be appreciated if i gasbagged about that on a publicly accessible site. I know that change is up to me and all that, but i sure wish that things went my way a bit more often. for example, I have been trying to get numerous jobs with the government for many months now. They have kept me waiting since July!


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