Here is the first photo of the newest member of my family! Meet Gerti..
She is on the right, that's Cupcake being pushy, nosing about for food.
I've got another freakin' cold this week, and the bad news is that I've just had to get on the antibiotics, and the annual Oktoberfest is on this Friday!! This is gonna suck! How on earth could I possibly go to an Oktoberfest and not drink? Maybe I'll be better by Friday..
Oh.. and here is another cute pic, of the orphaned lambs that Jess' dad saved last year. Olly and Molly are now big and fat, and still really friendly to the human folk! ..of course they will not be eaten! Their sheep are only for wool. In the background is Casper, the grumpiest horse I have probably ever met.
One day I wil write something a little deeper than all this, but at the moment I've only got enough oomph to write the fluffy stuff.
How cute! You still have Hermi too, don't you?
Yes Hermione is doing fine! She had a stroke a couple of months ago, after we had a tumor removed from under her arm. The Vet said that Cancer is common amongst rats. One day she couldn't move properly, so Jessica nursed her back to health. Now she stumbles around like an old person, but she's doing pretty good! I will be very sad when Hermi goes, but I guess she is getting old for a rat.
We got the others for company for her. Gerti is the same age as Cupcake, around 18 months old. Hermi is about 2 and a bit. They look after Hermi so it is a good vibe in their not so small area!
.. hey your blog is getting great, all that info is building up! Soon you will have a masterpiece. How is Gilligan?
My brother's rat lived to be 3 years old, then she got cancer. I guess rats don't live that long compared to bunnies. Gilligan is doing better, though he'll always need meds. He's 4 now. We have a guinea pig named Saucisson ("sausage" in French) too. Our other psychobunny died a few months ago. It's sad when they go.
Thanks for the compliments on my blog. The novel itself is slow in coming, but what I do write is solid and won't need too much editing. I'd rather have it that way than have a lot of fluff written and have to do 20 revisions to turn it into something!
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