Monday, March 26, 2007

Another hefty weekend

imaginary tree
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
Life sure is busy at the moment. Daylight savings finished on Saturday night and it coincided with my 11pm to 1am radio show, so in effect I was DJing from 12 to 2am, and then I had to drag my tired butt to work this morning at 8:30! And that was following a huge Friday night on the town and a big night on Saturday for my friend Brad's wedding. To compound it all, I seem to randomly wake up at 5 am every morning and take an hour to get back to sleep, ensuring that I spend most of my waking time feeling like a zombie.

Anyway.. last night it felt like my Ambient Zone show went really well! It's been a long time since I've talked about music. There is so much great music out there, here's a list of a few standouts that I have recently acquired, just from the top of my head. There are heaps more but these are the ones I can think of right now:

Pub - Legless
Pub - Single
Monolake - Hong Kong
Benge - I am 9
Secede - Vega Libre
Susumu Yokota - Magic Thread
Yagya - Rhythm of snow
Scanners - movie soundtrack


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so bummed I missed your show!!! There was no internet where I was staying. Please let me know when you'll be doing it again.

4:30 am  
Blogger SR said...

I tried listening and you were freakin me out dude.
I was writing up a client report and thought I'd tune in and chill out, but no, you played some freaky-deaky crazy choon that was doin my head in...I switched off.
I couldn't handle it.

4:46 pm  
Blogger mrlederhosen said...

Hehe, I suppose the first tune was pretty intense! It moved to cruisy mode after that.

So, when you getting your butt to Perth again for a visit?

10:27 pm  
Blogger mrlederhosen said...

Julie! email me an addy and I'll send you a cd with a copy of my shows! Hooray for technology :)

10:30 pm  

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