Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Whatever happened to the humungous karri log in Kings Park?

Karri Log Kings Park
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
Gosh, a few weeks have passed since I last wrote here. My new position at work has been keeping me busy running around the city doing surveys about the use of certain train stations around one of the major transport corridors. Working in strategic planning is an awesome job, and I'm loving it.

One of my work colleagues recently sent me this photo of the old massive karri log that used to sit in a prominent position in Kings Park. Everyone I know who grew up in Perth have memories of trying to climb the log and sit on top of it. I remember getting up there once (unless they are imagined memories.. eek! - it must be Total Recall! ), and when I got on top, I thought I had climbed Mt Everest. My brother and I ran up and down it like we were kings of the world, and being little tackers, we were a little freaked out we'd hurt ourselves if we fell off. I definately remember hanging off the end of the log, just above where that guy in the pic is standing. There was also this cool slice of log located just to the left of this pic, and it showed in the growth rings how big the tree was during the French revolution, the signing of the Magna Carta and a host of other historical moments going back around 1000 years. I wonder why they took it away, surely it has a strong environmental message by leaving it there. Even back then I was thinking, "if it's so ancient, why did we cut it down?". And that was before public endorsement of environmentalism became trendy.

What ever happened to this log? When did it disappear? How did I not notice it missing until I saw this photo of it? Seeing this photo, it brings back streams of my childhood memories. I remember all sorts of things now, like playing on the dangerous but oh-so-cool playground made out of a hollowed tree next to that island which is now called the Western Power parklands.. and riding on the carved wood horses on the carousel they used to have there.. and trying not to fall in that festy lake while delicately clambering over the collapsed tree that was the only access to the playground in the middle of the little island.. sheesh i evem remember i had these corduroy pants when i was climbing around it.. i must have been 4 or 5 or something! I remember my parents had matching flared pants as they called out to us, hehe, yep that was definately the 70s! ... better yet, I can remember the song 'Dreamweaver' playing out of a stereo... ooh wait no portable stereos weren't around til the 80s... hmm, maybe it was from one of the Sandman wagons parked nearby..

Golly, so much memory from just one photo, taken over 20 years before I was even born! Actually I asked Anle the other day about this log, and she said it was eaten up by termites, so it had to be removed. I suppose that's a logical reason as to what happened to it, but even so.. I can't believe this memory got locked away in the back of my mind in the 'childhood' compartment.

In other news, I had the best weekend ever down south :') More about that later.

Ooooh yes.. and thank you sooooo much Julie for promoting my radio show Ambient Zone on your website! You are the best, hoooray!! I think i'm scheduled to do it next on either the 11th or the 18th of March. Stay tuned and I'll let you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey G, I did a test listen of Ambient Zone today and will listen next Sunday (10am my time). Can't wait!

7:40 am  

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