The Necks at the Hyde Park
I arrived at the Hydey about 20 minutes into their set, but the power had gone out moments before my entry into the pub. Mr Ee and myself intrepidly entered.. and were astounded to find a room full of people sitting at their tables in the almost total darkness. It had been an incredibly stinky hot day and there were power failures all around Perth, as everyone had cranked their airconditioners to full speed to cool their sweating selves.
The Necks are a band that really shouldn't be cut off in the middle of a song. They generally do freeform ambient to frenzied jazz numbers that last around 45 minutes. So lucky for us, they had to start all over again. It started slowly.. just slight cymbals and tinkerings of piano. the bass was ever so soft and mild. 10 minutes passed.. and a slow pattern developed. 20 minutes passed. The tempo increased. At around the 30 minute mark, the drummer leaped onto the snare drum for the first time, and the music had become hypnotic. It just kept on going! And then it slowed down, but became a jungle of swishing sounds, and as I looked around, the crowd seemed transfixed on some image that the music was creating in their heads. Some had their gaze fixed on the ceiling, others were far away, and others still were lying on the tables, in their own little world. My mind was all over the place, but one thing Gav and I both shared was a big grin in appreciation of the masterful music that we experienced. This it the third or fourth time I have seen them, and I am continually impressed by them.
Piece of advice to anyone going to see the Necks: Make sure the venue has comfy chairs! I saw them at the Harbourside Brasserie on Sydney harbour a few years back, and my arse was as numb as Lloyd Swanton's bassed out fingers!
Oh yeah, they have a website too:
And also, I got to hang out with Christina for the first time! Woohoo, what a funky chicken she is. Hey that brings up another point. What's the deal with boyfriends that get unreasonably threatened by guys. I mean, its pretty obvious i wasn't hitting on her, she knows all about my gf, and I think its not so cool to be getting the evil eyes from her boy, especially when I was being so jovial to him and introducing myself and all that. I know I'm a new friend of hers, so I guess he was just sussing me out but hey, its annoying. I have the opposite problem to this, where I try to be tolerant when guys actually ARE hitting on my partner, and this is where it gets confusing. Jess (who is my girlfriend for anyone who is randomly reading my blog other than myself) is an outgoing girl and she loves to dance. When we first started seeing each other i guess we still hadn't established our commitments and stuff, so i guess i did feel insecure about her incredibly sexy style of dancing. But hey, we worked it out and all is pretty cool there. I found that when we'd go out dancing, guys would inevitably try to pick her up and she wouldn't respond. After a while, they would be busting the moves, even after she had stopped dancing. I'd be around and we'd be together, but so many guys don't suss the body language. So fair enough, maybe the subtle thing doesn't work, so I have to resort to the 'arm around my girl and a quick kiss' trick to let them know that he should stop hitting on her. This is where I am astounded. SO many times has this happened that I just find it so uncool: The guy gives me this "I can out do you, I'm going to woo her away from you" look, puffs up his chest in a particular way and does the alpha male - peacock dance, and tries to win the girl by impressing her. I think this is one of those things that only the same sex can notice, guys I know complain about this too. So here I am, tolerant of guys wanting to pick up Jess, cos i understand when you are keen on a girl you want to chat with them, and also for her, as she wants to meet nice people and make new friends without assuming every guys is a sleazebag. Its not healthyto assume every guy is hitting on you, but I guess only a girl truly knows how that can feel. But I also know when its not cool to try to pick someone up, and I know when to back off. It's just general decorum. So when I meet guys who look at me like I'm trying to steal their girl away when it is unfounded, I think it sucks ass.
Wow, all that spiel to make that point - It sucks ass. How profound. I hope you enjoyed reading this riveting and probably standard argument that you have already heard before.
The Necks are a band that really shouldn't be cut off in the middle of a song. They generally do freeform ambient to frenzied jazz numbers that last around 45 minutes. So lucky for us, they had to start all over again. It started slowly.. just slight cymbals and tinkerings of piano. the bass was ever so soft and mild. 10 minutes passed.. and a slow pattern developed. 20 minutes passed. The tempo increased. At around the 30 minute mark, the drummer leaped onto the snare drum for the first time, and the music had become hypnotic. It just kept on going! And then it slowed down, but became a jungle of swishing sounds, and as I looked around, the crowd seemed transfixed on some image that the music was creating in their heads. Some had their gaze fixed on the ceiling, others were far away, and others still were lying on the tables, in their own little world. My mind was all over the place, but one thing Gav and I both shared was a big grin in appreciation of the masterful music that we experienced. This it the third or fourth time I have seen them, and I am continually impressed by them.
Piece of advice to anyone going to see the Necks: Make sure the venue has comfy chairs! I saw them at the Harbourside Brasserie on Sydney harbour a few years back, and my arse was as numb as Lloyd Swanton's bassed out fingers!
Oh yeah, they have a website too:
And also, I got to hang out with Christina for the first time! Woohoo, what a funky chicken she is. Hey that brings up another point. What's the deal with boyfriends that get unreasonably threatened by guys. I mean, its pretty obvious i wasn't hitting on her, she knows all about my gf, and I think its not so cool to be getting the evil eyes from her boy, especially when I was being so jovial to him and introducing myself and all that. I know I'm a new friend of hers, so I guess he was just sussing me out but hey, its annoying. I have the opposite problem to this, where I try to be tolerant when guys actually ARE hitting on my partner, and this is where it gets confusing. Jess (who is my girlfriend for anyone who is randomly reading my blog other than myself) is an outgoing girl and she loves to dance. When we first started seeing each other i guess we still hadn't established our commitments and stuff, so i guess i did feel insecure about her incredibly sexy style of dancing. But hey, we worked it out and all is pretty cool there. I found that when we'd go out dancing, guys would inevitably try to pick her up and she wouldn't respond. After a while, they would be busting the moves, even after she had stopped dancing. I'd be around and we'd be together, but so many guys don't suss the body language. So fair enough, maybe the subtle thing doesn't work, so I have to resort to the 'arm around my girl and a quick kiss' trick to let them know that he should stop hitting on her. This is where I am astounded. SO many times has this happened that I just find it so uncool: The guy gives me this "I can out do you, I'm going to woo her away from you" look, puffs up his chest in a particular way and does the alpha male - peacock dance, and tries to win the girl by impressing her. I think this is one of those things that only the same sex can notice, guys I know complain about this too. So here I am, tolerant of guys wanting to pick up Jess, cos i understand when you are keen on a girl you want to chat with them, and also for her, as she wants to meet nice people and make new friends without assuming every guys is a sleazebag. Its not healthyto assume every guy is hitting on you, but I guess only a girl truly knows how that can feel. But I also know when its not cool to try to pick someone up, and I know when to back off. It's just general decorum. So when I meet guys who look at me like I'm trying to steal their girl away when it is unfounded, I think it sucks ass.
Wow, all that spiel to make that point - It sucks ass. How profound. I hope you enjoyed reading this riveting and probably standard argument that you have already heard before.
hmmm... mixtedresponses for a mixed entry. I'm really glad that you liked thie necks even with the black out. While unplanned I though that it had a great effect on the gig - unfortunately you couldn't hear the double bass because of it. drat.
Anyway... am kind of annoyed about your analysis on Jackson's behaviour towards you. Firstly, after such an amazing gig I don't think that any human has the capacity to have the energy to be over protective and threatened. Secondly, I know jackson, and I know that he trusts me whole heartedly. While this indicent is really all about interpretation and perception... Where you think that Jackson is threatened by you because of a side ways glance and a CD ... but the thing is, I KNOW him. He probably knows how you feel where people have tried to ask me out at the bookstore, out at pubs etc and he knows that I can handle the situation so why would he bother getting territorial? Especially when he knows how in love I am with him.
On top of all that, I think that it's a bit tactless to write something like that when you know that I am goign to read it.
What a great site
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