Wednesday, May 04, 2005

a few weeks to go

two weeks since my last entry here! its been pretty busy here, what with mega assignments and ill-defined assessments to work out. its all uni uni work in my life, unfortunately not a lot of fun thrown in there. and on top of that, the graduate positions are coming up, and i just haven't got the time to get everything done.
I went to Bunbury for last weekend for volunteer work as a facilitator on the Greater Bunbury Dialogue. Got to meet Alannah MacTiernan, the Planning and Infrastructure minister and made a few contacts in the industry. the funny thing is, at the table next to me was an olllllld party friend of mine from the early 90s called Karen. She is now senior staff and all responsible, yet the last time I saw her was in the hills in the Southern edge of the Sydney metro area at a rave in a forest, sitting under a giant glowing mushroom. We (or at least I was) were frying our brains, i was wearing my smurf pants and dodging rogue laser beams whislt bouncing around to trance techno with a bunch of hippy ferals! So it was pretty suprising to be meeting her in Bunbury at a govt function! Hehe, Australia can be a small place sometimes.
well, Im in a better mood now.. just have to finish off this essay and presentation for tomorrow night now..
I've got some cool pics to put online too, but they'll have to wait til i get on the home compooter.


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