Swedes, trains and UFOs

Probably my only Anne Geddes-ish pic ever taken - of kids on a beach in Asa in Sweden. This pic finally gets me back into writing mode. Lots had happened by the time I had arrived in Asa, and by the time I ended up here in my travels, I had been on a fear and loating-styled adventure that had taken me from Greece (see earlier entries), through to Oslo, Bergen, Alesund, Bodo, Trondheim, Stockholm, Copenhagen, and then back to Goteborg and to Asa. I ended up here as this is where Anette's Dad's holiday home was.
My funky god-daughter Cydne was about 8 at the time, and was the only white haired kid I knew. So I sent her this pic so she could see there are others who also have seriously blonde/white hair. She thought it was pretty cool, as her Dad is a northern European guy so she's got the Nordic and generally Teutonic look.
The same night I took this pic, Anette and I lay on this same beach and looked up at the sky. For the first and only time in my life, I saw something that no one has ever been able to explain to me. As we lay there chatting, looking up at the sky, a bright light (about 5 times brighter than the brightest star in the sky) started to move away from where it had been still moments before. It hovered, moved left, moved right and then up and down, all in a general left moving arc, before it progressively got dimmer and travelled southwards, and upwards into the sky, before it finally disappeared. Anette and I just sat there wondering what it could have been. And then, it happened three more times, each time the path slightly different to the previous one, but all travelling in the same direction.
Whatever it was jumped around the sky, and it was mind boggling. What was it? What was it doing? Was it ball lightning or a weather balloon with a bright white light on it? I doubt it. We told her Dad about it, he shrugged his shoulders and found it all funny as if we were high.
To this day I have no idea what those four travelling lights were.. I'm happy to be told they aren't a UFO or something spooky, but until it can be explained to me what they were, I will be wondering..
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