Sunday, June 26, 2005


Yay! Tomorrow I will leave Perth for a few days. I am feeling burned out here, I need a break. I went to a party in Mundaring last night, it was nearly an hour out of town! ai chihuahua! that's a long way to go for a party.

I've just read an article about all the dodgy crimes that have been happening in Portugal. That sounds awful- its amazing how we hear all about the alleged seedy activities of Michael Jackson, and yet at the same time there is a major case of child sex crimes in Portugal, and I only hear about it via a news link on Elise's blog. Why does this not make the news in Australia? We only hear about the western English speaking world news. I am shocked that it doesn't even get a mention on our news, yet we hear about Shane Warne's marriage break up! The world is crazy sometimes.

Other news.. Simon returned from Jakarta on Friday. He said he was living like a king there; he had massages everyday, free shoe shine, a house keeper, cook and cleaner etc. I think I could grow to live like that!

I'm thinking about going for a holiday in Vietnam in a few weeks. I wonder how much money i'll need there.. I gotta get out of town, my brain is gooey. I think Homer Simpson was onto something when he said: "every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain". I really think this last 6 months has done something to my general intelligence.

Hey, if anyone reads this, i'll be DJing on in two weeks on 12th July. I'll write more again to confirm it. Ambient Zone, for two hours of ambient and electronic tunes.


Blogger Elise said...

Hey Mr! Glad you are ok and having fun!

I've been to Italy, and I really, really loved it. Besides the cultural and historical aspects of italy, italians are very friendly.

What about greece? Never been there, but i heard that it is amazing.

Jobs in portugal... things are quite nasty over here. our economy is a major flop in the EU. we are one of the poorest countries. Maybe spain has a better job market for you.

Thanks for mentioning the paedophile scandal. funny how the world knew about dutroux but not about our scandal. We had a similar scandal during the 60's, but it was a child abuse ring with little girls.

seems that we can't protect our children. sad...

BTW i already made a post about your immigration laws. i agree with the principles of mandatory detention, but keeping small children in those detention centers is quite imoral.

Oh well,nothing is perfect...

5:41 pm  

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