Monday, April 17, 2006

Well I survived Easter this year. I was worried I'd spend the whole time feeling sorry for myself and missing the life and the animals on Jess' farm (that's where I've spent the last few Easters). I'm happy to say I managed to stay busy, have some fun, catch up with long not-seen relies and have an alright time.

I drove about 700 km on Friday and Saturday. At the last minute, Clint and Lee invited me down to their farm near Bridgetown for a crazy filled Good Friday. I didn't get up until 10, but I quickly packed a bag and hit the road south. I took the inland road to miss the traffic and managed to get down there in 4 hours. The house down there is a 110 year old federation era plush building with lots of rooms, a ballroom, underground cellar and a 3 metre wide verandah going all around the house. When his parents bought the place it had no doors or windows, the roof had partially collapsed and was virtually ready for demolition. Lee and Clint have been slowly refurbishing it and bringing it back to its former glory. However there is still no bathroom so it was a little chilly going to the bathroom in the great outdoors!

Just as we had drunk a few bevs and were about to embark on some midnight Blackwood River marron fishing, Matt rolled up with this bottle of brown goo and made us all have a swig. Hehe yes our fun really began then, as the said brown goo turned out to be none other than shroom juice. anyway needless to say our river mission was a fiasco in the dark, but luckily we never fell in as it was frikkin' freezing. It was a heap of laughs, I think next time I'll have to swig a little more. I've only touched the shrooms once before, in San Francisco years ago and back then it was a little too much for this little black duck, so i've never touchd it since. Friday was heaps cool, I will have to get a bunch of crew together and do this again this winter.

At 6.30 on Saturday morning I had to get back to Perth to get to my cousin's son's Christening. I just got there in time, and spent a few hours socialising with the Dalkieth set eating caviar, drinking Bollinger and discussing Russian business takeover ethics with my Mr Burns-esque ruthless businessman other cousin. (he said that his man in Moscow told him, and i quote: "we don't worry about Chechnya up in Moscow, because we've already taken everything of value from that place") Sigh, it's hard to imagine that guy is my flesh and blood, we are SO different.

Once I was back from the strange lands of the overly wealthy western suburbs, I had to meet with Jenn and Chris and drive another hour back to Mandurah for Nat and Tim's engagement party. That was fun, nice to see Natalie so happy, and Jenn got so drunk she made an ass of herself (hehe that was a rare sight)!

So, it is possible to not be a mess after being dumped from 3 years of devotion to a girl. I just gotta keep busy and remember that I deserve better then an aggressive, non communicative girlfriend. This Easter weekend was pretty cool and I had a heap of fun. Now I just need to meet some new people.. Hmm is it possible to break old patterns and not go for a fiesty super independent girl who will leave me once I've helped them fight their inner demons? I've done it 3 times now, if I do it again i'll be a fool. (well i know 3 times is supposed to be that but bah humbug I say!)

I can't find my travel diary, so i'll have to write the second part of my travel adventures once I've cleaned up my room.


Blogger mrlederhosen said...

Hehe, yes it is good fun, but on has to be in the right mood for that sort of thing. I guess during these last few years it just wasn't right for me. I consider shrooming 'n' tripping to be like 'mental filing'. It always clears the complexities from my mind! I haven't touched anything like that since 1998! Wowsers, that's a long time. Ya, maybe it is time! not that I want to be promoting that stuff on my site!

4:29 pm  

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