I started working at my new position this week, it's great to be finally working in an area that I have been aiming to get into for so long. At this stage (my 3rd day), I'm still really not sure what I am expected to do though.. but finally I got an office with a window view, woohoo I get to see the winos below getting into fights at lunch time. Gotta love that inner city grime, yep even in our seemingly clean and perfecto 'lil ol Perth.
Tonight I went for a run along the beach and as I arrived at North Cott I remembered that a Comet was due to make an appearance on the horizon, just after sunset. Sure enough, as soon as the sun finally set, this massive bright dot with a huge trail behind it appeared in the dusk sky. The trail of debris behind it was at a kind of 11 o'clock position, with the top of it curling to the right. In the 20 minutes or so before it got dark and the view disappeared, it sunk from quite high up almost until the horizon line. And this was all with the naked eye! It would have been awesome to see with binoculars or a telescope!
I hope everyone listened to my radio show last Sunday night, it was one of the best shows I think i've done. I highlighted these albums and played stacks of tracks from each of them:
Biosphere - Dropsonde
Machine Drum - Mergerz and Acquisitionz
Yagya - Rhythm of Snow
Gramm - Personal Rock
The Yagya cd is already 5 years old, and can you believe Gramm (Jan Jelinek's one time alter ego) released that cd in 1999. Jeepers I remember it didn't seem that long ago that it was new.
Oh yes and Nelson the Hairmaster gave me a funkster haircut today. No more dodgy shaggy too-long-on-the-sides hair for me. Rock on.
Tonight I went for a run along the beach and as I arrived at North Cott I remembered that a Comet was due to make an appearance on the horizon, just after sunset. Sure enough, as soon as the sun finally set, this massive bright dot with a huge trail behind it appeared in the dusk sky. The trail of debris behind it was at a kind of 11 o'clock position, with the top of it curling to the right. In the 20 minutes or so before it got dark and the view disappeared, it sunk from quite high up almost until the horizon line. And this was all with the naked eye! It would have been awesome to see with binoculars or a telescope!
I hope everyone listened to my radio show last Sunday night, it was one of the best shows I think i've done. I highlighted these albums and played stacks of tracks from each of them:
Biosphere - Dropsonde
Machine Drum - Mergerz and Acquisitionz
Yagya - Rhythm of Snow
Gramm - Personal Rock
The Yagya cd is already 5 years old, and can you believe Gramm (Jan Jelinek's one time alter ego) released that cd in 1999. Jeepers I remember it didn't seem that long ago that it was new.
Oh yes and Nelson the Hairmaster gave me a funkster haircut today. No more dodgy shaggy too-long-on-the-sides hair for me. Rock on.
Hey Grant - I so wish I could listen to your show. Do you record it?
Was that Nelson himself who wrote that?
Nelson is good. His new shop looks pretty swish.
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