A pants rant
It's Monday now, but I wrote the following rant last Friday, at the end of a long week, I was going a bit loopy from being indoors for too long. I thought I'd put it online anyway..
Well here we are and it's Friday again. I honestly feel like it's Groundhog Day sitting in the office sometimes. Too much of my life is spent at work I tells ya. But not to worry - life is grand, it's Friday and there's tonight and two more days to wreak havoc on the world at large!
Today's rant is that I am very shocked and concerned that I'm noticing a trend in fashion whereby all the young whipper snapper trendies are wearing super high pants again! Surely everyone who has even the slightest memory of the 80s and early 90s - hell, I think ANY time before about 1996, judging by watching old movies and looking at our Grandparents, should know that the world has hadenough of HIGH waisted pants! Remember laughing at Bogart with his up-to-his-armpit trousers? Remember Van Damme with his 80's pleated trousers riding up high, making him look like a clown? It took all of the history of western civilisation to finally come to awareness that pants that sit nicely around one's hips look good! I know the saggy-pants show-your-undies trends of the early 00's have caused this harry-high-pant reaction, but hey! I like hipster pants! They look good, they make one's butt look good, and they justfit the shape of a person's physique and make them look better!
I will have to add this to my list of things to do when i'm president of the world. Item number #297 on the agenda of my new world manifesto: "Jeans and trousers that are worn above the belly button will incur punishment of humiliation by public dakking".
Well here we are and it's Friday again. I honestly feel like it's Groundhog Day sitting in the office sometimes. Too much of my life is spent at work I tells ya. But not to worry - life is grand, it's Friday and there's tonight and two more days to wreak havoc on the world at large!
Today's rant is that I am very shocked and concerned that I'm noticing a trend in fashion whereby all the young whipper snapper trendies are wearing super high pants again! Surely everyone who has even the slightest memory of the 80s and early 90s - hell, I think ANY time before about 1996, judging by watching old movies and looking at our Grandparents, should know that the world has hadenough of HIGH waisted pants! Remember laughing at Bogart with his up-to-his-armpit trousers? Remember Van Damme with his 80's pleated trousers riding up high, making him look like a clown? It took all of the history of western civilisation to finally come to awareness that pants that sit nicely around one's hips look good! I know the saggy-pants show-your-undies trends of the early 00's have caused this harry-high-pant reaction, but hey! I like hipster pants! They look good, they make one's butt look good, and they justfit the shape of a person's physique and make them look better!
I will have to add this to my list of things to do when i'm president of the world. Item number #297 on the agenda of my new world manifesto: "Jeans and trousers that are worn above the belly button will incur punishment of humiliation by public dakking".

Now that i've got that off my chest, bring on the weekend!
Jeez Grant, you get wound up over stuff sometime...you need to masturbate.
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