Saturday, June 04, 2005

seedy saturday

Yesterday was the final booze up at Curtin Uni for me. I hand in the last of my assessments in 2 weeks and then its time to get busy with my life again. It turned out to be quite the ripsnorter of a party, with people from all my little groups of pals i've had since first year turning up and getting arsed up on the amber action. i finally got to meet that girl who inspired me to study planning, her name is Louise. That was good. It was great to let go and enjoy myself again finally, although I'm sure i'll be doing that a lot more when i get the last of these freaking essays in. I had some good work stuff happen on thursday, and checked out the new NLV site in Mandurah, but I'm outta time now, i gotta get out of here. I'll fill in on work opportunities later. I'm more in the mood to strap on the pith helmet and go searching for new tunes. I seem to have just stumbled on some new labels, thanks to alj, and there's a lot of discoverin' to be had now..
oh , i've decided to dust off the drum kit and get some electro band action happening. I need to find a good way to meet some electro folk to put a collective together.. where do you find these people? most of my friends have no idea about (and dont like the sounds of) the stuff i want to do, i don't know where to look for like minds.. i used to know a heap of clan analogue and elefant traks guys in sydney, but that was 5 years ago, who knows where to find some perth folk.. time to get offa me buttocks and start looking!
If you read this and you know someone, it'd be tops to hear from you.


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