Coffee is tops
It seems a fitting time to announce that I have a caffeine problem. At first it was cool and a good way to spend 10 minutes outside of the office and in the city centre, but now it seems that if I haven't got a large, freshly roasted, aromatic, tasty and altogether fantastic coffee in front of me by 9 am at the absolute latest I physically get the shakes and feel edgy-mcveggie!
Hehe, I could always quit I hear you say, but then what am I supposed to do at 10.15 when I want to stretch my legs? ..and then again at 3 ish?

Oh the strain!
Hehe, I could always quit I hear you say, but then what am I supposed to do at 10.15 when I want to stretch my legs? ..and then again at 3 ish?

Oh the strain!
oh my god? three times a day? thats a lot!!! ha, i wish you luck mate trying to give up. i was able to come off cigarettes, all drugs known to man, wean myself off Chocolate(fucking nearly killed me but I did it) and i still can't give up coffee!!! i'm down to one cup every two days. dammit i'm good!! p.s. you feel super boring when you have no vices though!!
australian coffee is any good? 8)
Three cups?! ..and then some! Some days I have 5 cups, and when I was preparing for uni exams last semester on some occaisions I had 8 cups!! But that was a rarity, on those occaisions for some unknown reason I could not sleep at night(!).
Australians have great coffee! Of course our best stuff is imported, my favourites being the stuff from Kenya and Brazil. The best places to buy coffee in Perth are at any cafe where there is one or more of the following:
i) a sleazy Italian who makes it - they don't even concentrate when they make it, they just KNOW.
ii) someone who has been making it for years.
iii) somewhere NOT in a shopping mall.
iv) Fremantle and Northbridge are generally the best places to find the best coffee.
Emma, why get offa da chocolate? Thats just weird i tells ya!
Three cups?! ..and then some! Some days I have 5 cups, and when I was preparing for uni exams last semester on some occaisions I had 8 cups!! But that was a rarity, on those occaisions for some unknown reason I could not sleep at night(!).
Australians have great coffee! Of course our best stuff is imported, my favourites being the stuff from Kenya and Brazil. The best places to buy coffee in Perth are at any cafe where there is one or more of the following:
i) a sleazy Italian who makes it - they don't even concentrate when they make it, they just KNOW.
ii) someone who has been making it for years.
iii) somewhere NOT in a shopping mall.
iv) Fremantle and Northbridge are generally the best places to find the best coffee.
Emma, why get offa da chocolate? Thats just weird i tells ya!
oh stop! such comments make me feel like I have a licence to go back on it!! erm, try I was just getting addicted to it. and I don't like things controlling me, so I had to eliminate that. [I am power kicking the air as I type this!! woooah!!!] the more I ate, the more I wanted it, and I was never satisfied with how much I had. Am I still talking about Chocolate here, think you've just made me realise something here about myself......! Apart from anything else, it's fattening!
Valrhona or Green + Blacks are my very favourites.
The Lady and The Chocolate:
Starring Emma and Valrhona Jivara Lait.
munch munch!!
sorry, rudely long comment. x
saw II is great! not surprising as saw I, but definitly a must see movie! :D
cheers, have fun, and a nice weekend! :)
I know Better than Ezra by name but I can't recall their music. I'll check them out!
Valrhona Jivara Lait - Emma you must tell me more about this chocolate! I haven't heard of it, wow all these new things in my world lately.
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