obturator nerve pathway
Ooh, i've got a great controversial topic today! None other than that prize winning guaranteed-endless-disagreement debate topic: religion!
I was on my way to have dinner with some friends of mine the other day, and as we were walking through the city on our way to Taka Restaurant for ourtight-arse budget Japanese dining extravagansa, and just as we had successfully avoided the singing Christians, we came accross a group of preaching Scientologists who seemed to zoom in on us like mosquitos. Seems like a normal night out? Sure, it usually is. But this particular friend of mine is one of those people that just seems to attract fanatics. I kid you not, but we have been walking along the street on previous occaisions, and randoms have walked up and started harassing him, be it either Christian fundamentalists, aggressive beggars (the ones who insist you give them a minimum of $2), gang members or muscled up thugs and fubu-and-bling-wearing types just yelling out abuse and looking for a fight.
I have formulated a theory that it has something to do with the fact that he'san uber buff weight lifting bloke who works out regularly, and he's got that square jaw tough-guy look about him. If you mix that with a vigilante '"i hate injustice / seeing people getting picked on" mentality, he can never just ignore dickheads like most people do.
But, I digress!.. anyway, as I was saying, the next thing we know these two Scientologists are telling him that he needs to get off thepharmeceutical drugs that are messing up his mind and stop watching "the media"and to wake up to himself. I'm not quite sure where they got the idea that he was on drugs from, but it all got kind of narky and they were all raising their voices and telling each other they were fools (and something about all humans coming from the planet Zorgon or something like that..). If there is one thing i've learned in this world, its that you should never challenge a preacher of any kind into a theological debate. You can never win, as the precise reason they are preaching is because they believe so firmly in what they say.
After we had extracted our friend from the standard religious vs. non-religious debate, we trotted at a fast pace to Taka's, because by now there was a monster queue out the front waiting to polish off the final stocks of their scrum-diddely-umptious sushi. I'm not sure who actually said it, but by the time we got up to Shafto Lane someone had described the whole concept of religion into one simple sentence, and it has stuck in my head ever since then:
"Religion is necessary for so many people because it provides them with simple answers for complex questions".
That statement kind of ended the debate, and before long we were chatting about more important stuff like food, politics, movies, girls wearing short-shorts in winter, guys who wear speedos (are they undies or bathers?) and music - in other words all the other regular important Friday topics of conversation!
Anyway, I just thought I'd share that moment of my Friday night with the world!

Abbey the dog contemplates life whilst meditating and chanting.
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