Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen
A few more weeks have passed since my last entry, and I find myself struggling to get writing again. Six weeks of adventure have inspired me and life is charging along in my world once again. The day after my return home, I jumped straight into busy times at work and all the things that go with being home again. I've done a few radio shows at rtr fm and this Sunday just past I did a whopping FOUR hour show from 9pm til 1am. It was pretty cool, lots of crazy noisy sounds of the Difficult Listening show, followed by two hours of Ambient Zone rancho-relaxo sounds.
Where to start with this trip!
I started off on the 15th of May when I landed in Dubai for a speedy 15 hour stay as my stopover to Venice. The airport was hot and the hotel room was freezing, but that was nice after the roasting of the 40+ degrees of the desert sun. I teamed up with my boss who was on the same flight, and we jumped on the red and then blue tour bus that took us on a 4 hour or so tour of the majority of the city. Real touristy stuff I tells ya, but as I didn't have too much interest in being there, it was great to do an architecture wander with one of Perth's great planning minds! There were some amazing designs of buildings, I could only imagine that Perth would ever consider building something that wasn't a square box dull design (check out the new Century tower going up on Hay Stree, a big, dull square box). Although the design of the city was bordering on ridiculous, the shapes of what was going up was impressive! After we ended up on the Creek we decided to go for a wander around Creekside. But when we realised the mega heat and the 8 lane roads with no footpaths anywhere was how the city was desinged, we realised that in Dubain you can not walk anywhere, so we stuck with the crowds - and hung out in an air conditioned mall.
Dubai was great to visit, but it was really like an Arabic Las Vegas. Nice to see, but I couldn't imagine living there or even staying too long.
Oh yes and when I put this photo up I was going to write about Poland. This pic is of a great town next to Gdansk called Sopot, the riviera of Poland! But more about that in a few entries time.


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