Summer in the Baltics
Now that I've been working for a while, I am starting to crave some creativity in my thoughts. All my efforts have been into learning how my area of work operates. Now i'm not so fresh in my position anymore, I have time to think about other things as well. The first thought that comes into my head (other than sex - I am a man after all!) is of travel plans for my next holiday. My itchy feet are really itchy, I haven't left the country for years now! I have some pics that I have scanned which I will put online soon, of the Narva River in Estonia in 2001. It was an amazing place, two medieval crusader castles on either side, with Estonia on one side and Russia on the next. I have some super 8 film that I made on that day, which I have digitised, I hope I can find a way to put it online. The colours of that day were amazing, lots of greens and blues - and angry looking border guards sussing me out with my crusty old camera. It was only afterwards I realised there were tensions with the two countries in that time, I must've looked like a spy running around filming everything, no wonder the border guards were giving me nasty stares! So, wisely I pointed my camera at the river banks, castles and people instead of the views of the town over on the Russian side. I found this little beach on the river where all the locals were having their annual swim, it was so warm and the grass was overgrown. It seemed like those romantic scenes in movies set in the olde days, with couples running around, having picnics and sneaking a pash in a secluded grove.
Aah yes, that was a good day.
Here's a map of Eesti. This one includes the contested territory with Russia. Narva is on the north eastern border.
Aah yes, that was a good day.
Here's a map of Eesti. This one includes the contested territory with Russia. Narva is on the north eastern border.

Hey Grant,
Here's a cool site you might like:
You can make a map of all the countries you've visited and then post it here.
Hey Julie,
That looks great! I'll check it out now..
How are you going? When you gonna come visit me? I hope you are going well.
mr lederhosen, always on the run!
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