Monday, May 21, 2007

What colour should i paint?

What colour should i paint?
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
That's me getting ready to partake in the proper way to spend one's first night in their new home!
The first thing when I got the keys to the house was to remove those shocking grandma kitchen curtains, eeyurgh! A design with yellow corn cobs would have been cool though, I would have probably kept them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I remember that feeling! How incredibly exciting and daunting all at the same time. I had such big plans for my lttle place until I ran out of money - matter of fact I still do (half painted back fence and half landscaped garden, I'm thinking of you!) But yep it's all yours. Remember to take photos so you have before and afters. And post them up! Will chat next time you're online. Sarahx

10:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always love painting my apartments. Don't be afraid to try something wild! It's YOUR house! I can picture you with retro seventies colors.

10:31 pm  

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