Friday, November 23, 2007

Mmm tasty..

Yesterday I finally received my second ever ebay purchase in the mail, and it was none other than the great Brazillian film "How tasty was my little Frenchman" (Como Era Gostoso o Meu Frances), made in 1971 as part of the Brazillian Novo Cinema movement that was taking Brazil by storm at the time. I haven't had the chance to watch it yet, but the reason I went looking for this particular film was because many moons ago, I think it was in 2002, I returned home late from a big Saturday night and turned on the tv for the late night dodgy SBS foreign film as I was taking my shoes off and getting ready to jump into bed. A wacky movie was halfway through, but it totally grabbed my attention and I had to stay up and watch it to the end. I didn't find out what it was called until last year when I discovered it after surfing around on the imdb database website. I then looked around at all the Perth dvd shops only to find it was never released in Australia. Finally, yesterday after about 5 years of searching for it, I got my hands on this film! I can't wait to watch it.
..let's hope it's as good as I remember it!

On another note, it's the federal election in Australia tomorrow.. I really hope Rudd wins and Howard gets the butt - kicking he deserves. Time will tell, as it is going to be a very close call. My worry is that Howard's fear campaign will convince the many non-political folk of Australia to vote for him because "better the devil you know".

Oh and OTHER news, i'm going to Europe in May! Woo hoo, my work is sending a group of people on a new urbanism planners tour of Central Europe. I can't wait. More about that in future posts.
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