Saturday, February 25, 2006

It's going to be a whopper weekend. Glyn is having his buck's party tonight, starting in just a few hours from now..

Oh yes and to all of you who write to me, I have recently had my access cut to blogland at work, so that is why I haven't returned mails to anyone lately. I'll just have to be more vigilant to write at night when I get home. ..oh yes and everyone - check out Julie's website and buy her books cos she is the greatest! (the link is just to the right here ->)

Albums currently on rotation on my hard working stereo:

Orb - Okie dokie its the Orb on kompakt
Thomas Fehlman - Visions of Blah
Beck - Guero (and also Guerolito)
Flaming Lips - that long titled album yoshi robots thing..
Mondo Bossa o quatro (one of those sleazy Italian lounge/bossa nova compilations) - just perfect for these stinky hot 32 degree sultry nights we've been having here.
The Tigers - Jeez i forgot the name of it and the cd case is downstairs but it's great stuff from the Perth scene.
Pivot - Make me love you

The Pivot website is They are coming to Perth on the 3rd of March, with Hoopers Store and the Tigers as well. I'll be there for sure!

Hoopers Store are great! They played a great set on Thursday night at the Hyde Park with Sabre Tooth Tigers and a Czech band called Sebot. I think that's how you spell it, or else its Sabot. They consisted of one really wacky bass player in that Primus kinda way, and a drummer. These guys were great, lots of energy and a doco about themselves projected on the wall behind them. The next time I'm in Tabor I will be sure to drop by and say howdi.

Oh yeah and other music news: Cinema Prague are reforming and will be touring Australia! Well at least that's what George K told me when I bumped into him on the street the other day. As far as I'm concerned it's a freakin' travesty that Cinema Prague never conquered the world in the 90s, so I hope it's all go when they get Rex back from Germany in July.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Here's that pic of the Estonian and Russian border that I talked about a couple of entries ago. The scan took some of the colour out, but you get the idea of how much of a dreamy day it was. Just to the right of me and about 20 metres away was that angry border guard I was talking about. Hehe but I lived to tell the tale (well it wasn't very scary anyway)!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hello again. It's been a LONG week.
Today it was 40.1 degrees in Perth, a great day to be lazy! .. or at work in a building with air conditioning. It was actually a relief to get back into the office after lunch.

The life of mrlederhosen today? Well, i finally bought my brother's funky ass 95 Honda Civic off him, and it's GREAT! I've been a bit of a work-machine lately, but I keep going knowing that once I've done some time here, I can get over to some places in the world that really need some planning/social impact/redevelopment work.

I've had eye strain from being at work all day, and it's been happening for a couple of weeks. Gees, one of these days I'll be back being and excito-blogga.

My sister in law is 5 months pregnant! Everyone around seems to be all responsible and boring, where are all the big parties?! I think I need to go out more..

Monday, February 13, 2006

Lots of stressy things going on in my life this week, not up to writing much. The weekend was the best weather for a long time. 35 degrees, lazing on the beach on Sunday morning, beers at the Norfolk on Sunday. I'll write again soon..

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Big Day Out 2006

Once again, the Big Day Out was huge this year. Damn it, i can never write more than a few lines when i write here at work, i will have to sit down at home and get-a-monologing! But in my 5 seconds i have here, these were the music highlights for me:

The Go! Team (the first pic)
Kings of Leon (the second pic - yes that tiny dot is the band!)
Cut Copy (the third pic)

Some fun times were had indeed! Even nearly getting crushed to death waiting to get into the beer area during Wolfmother's set was not so bad.
The headphone pic was this silent roller skating rink with disco tunes cranking through everyone's headphones!

Friday, February 03, 2006

A couple of photos of King Street in Newtown in Sydney, the neighbourhood where I lived for 7 years. Alas, when I went back there at the end of last year, the greatest cheapo restaurant in the world, the 'Singapore Gourmet', had just closed down. Click on the pics to make them bigger and to see the ol' Town Hall Hotel in the background, where most of my pay packets ended up being spent!

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