Sunday, October 30, 2005

A rather bland entry actually, but it's not a whingey-complainy one, so i'm feeling fine!

Yay! I start working at my new job tomorrow, and what's more it's in the middle of the city. Finally I will be able to meet friends for lunch and go for drinks at places I like straight after work. Here's hoping it will be a job that I like, I'm pretty sure it's going to be alright.
Jess took me on a camel trek up at Yanchep for my Birthday today, I'll put the pics online as soon as I upload them onto my 'pooter.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Birthday season for a Scorpio Ox

It's Birthday week time for me. Yep, time to celebrate another year in the life of mrlederhosen. I'm still a little short of ideas of what to organise to celebrate, I'm thinking of getting some folk along to Rosemount Bowls for a night of boozin' n' bowlin'. The Rosemount is one of Perth's coolest live band pubs, and it just happens to have a funky run down old bowling alley accross the road from it. The last time i went there i got my ass kicked by my mates (despite my super cool shoes), so maybe now is the time to up my skills. What say i make it a costume night.. hmm what to wear.. I've got it: Toga-Bowling! A sure way to cause havoc, what with sheets everywhere, alcohol and its resulting partial nudity, it must surely be a winning combination!

And now for some randomness, here are some pics to make this blog look more colorful.

A cosy villa just out of Margaret River, in the cold, cold darkness of winter..

Abbey the dog.

A dog in a ute at 'dog in a ute 05'.

The opening night of the Premiere screening of Star Wars Episode III (at 12:00am - all the real Star Wars nerds were sitting in the back rows).

A great cafe in Bondi Beach, where the food was good, the music was good, and I was being oh so lazy.

The main street in Pemberton, in the Karri forest region of WA.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

a few pics

Here's a few photos from Phil's Heaven and Hell themed party last Saturday night. Check out what's written on his stubby holder..

I pity the fool!
A couple of angels and devils

Good news for Summer slackers

Time to write something. I wrote an entire whinge-bag yesterday, but I didn't put it on here as it was oh so negative and hey, i get bored reading it.
I do have some good news though! My cousin owns a house only walking distance from Scarbrough Beach, and she wants me to house sit it for at least a month over summer! How cool will that be? So if any of my friends are reading this who don't live in Perth, get yr ass over here for a summer of funky times and beachside cocktails. I've already started on the mix disks to keep the tunes going all summer.
Meanwhile I am still waiting to find out if i have the job at the DPI. Unemployment, whilst great fun at first, soon becomes a drag as you see all your money disappear.
Emma, I'll call soon, and THANKS so much for that funky mag! It arrived today in the mail. You're too good to me, that's two packages you've sent me to my zero to you. Mr G's been a lazy boy :(
Photos soon..

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The elusive good times

mrlederhosen seems to be stuck in a rut. You know, those ruts when you know that you have had a long run of having a good time, and so you put up with the crappy times as you believe that sooner or later everything will balance out and things will be better. Well, I've been having a crappy time for most of 2005, and I'm really over it. Sure i'm being whingey, but hey this is my blog so i'll continue.
I realised a couple of weeks ago that the 3 core things in my life are not making me happy. They are:
  1. Home
  2. Love
  3. Work

So I faced the one that didn't matter to me the most, and left my job. But of course, as a result of this I cannot now get my own place, so I am still living in compromised situations. The love thing, well that probably wouldn't be appreciated if i gasbagged about that on a publicly accessible site. I know that change is up to me and all that, but i sure wish that things went my way a bit more often. for example, I have been trying to get numerous jobs with the government for many months now. They have kept me waiting since July!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Back to the world of job applications

Yes my time has finished at my last job. It's sad to go, but it really was taking me down the wrong career path. It is the season of applying for graduate development programs, and the competition is fierce. My writing skills are important now, the government is really fussy how every sentence is worded, let's hope something works! It'd be just fantastic if I could actually get a job that I like.. here's hoping.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Here is the first photo of the newest member of my family! Meet Gerti..

She is on the right, that's Cupcake being pushy, nosing about for food.

I've got another freakin' cold this week, and the bad news is that I've just had to get on the antibiotics, and the annual Oktoberfest is on this Friday!! This is gonna suck! How on earth could I possibly go to an Oktoberfest and not drink? Maybe I'll be better by Friday..

Oh.. and here is another cute pic, of the orphaned lambs that Jess' dad saved last year. Olly and Molly are now big and fat, and still really friendly to the human folk! ..of course they will not be eaten! Their sheep are only for wool. In the background is Casper, the grumpiest horse I have probably ever met.

One day I wil write something a little deeper than all this, but at the moment I've only got enough oomph to write the fluffy stuff.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

This weeks most played music in my bedroom:

Mike Fellows - Limited Storyline Guest
Trans Am - Futureworld
Sam Prekop (his first self titled album)
Bertrand Bergalat - Portrait Robot
Balduin - ?
Cylob - Cylobian Sunset
Frogpocket - Gonglot (onya Emma for telling me about these guys!)
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