Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Big kisses from Quebec - it's really cool

To follow up on comments I made two entries ago, I have now uploaded some of my favourite collected postcards onto my flickr account. Here's what I wrote to this one here, one of my favourites during my multi-year cheesy postcard challenge with a friend in Canada:
It's official. This is my favourite cheesey postcard ever. Sent at the peak of a heavy duty two year long postcard challenge between me and my Canadian friend known as the "Snikster". I admitted defeat, as this card won her the crown, hands down! I only found it again just this week in a box hidden away in the shed, covered in dust, marked: "1990s"

Nosey pooch

Nosey pooch
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen
It's the middle of winter now and i'm sitting here as it's raining all around me. Tonight, as part of the 2009 Revelation Film Festival I am going to see the Michel Houellebecq film "Possibility of an Island". I have read glowingly positive reviews saying that it has the intensity and colour of Tarkovsky's Stalker mixed with the alienating vibes of Kubrik's 2001. That is a pretty big call, so I am trying not to get my hopes too high.
Even though it is dull outside today, i'm in a good mood, so here is a photo of my Dad with Chloe and Louis.
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