Sunday, May 21, 2006

Yes it's been forever since I've updated this blog. Hard work, house hunting and trying to establish a new life has kept me busy and away from my computer. I will add some more pics to compensate for my lack of writing!

I hope everyone listened to my radio show last Sunday, it was a good one! ..of course I took the wrong plug attachments in so I couldn't record the show.. next time I'll download it. Hmm maybe I could make it a podcast?

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A very cool wedding

Here's a pic from an ordinary day in my life..

Hehe, I was just sitting there at the table at Chris and Aki's wedding and I kid you not, all the bridesmaids just gathered around me and started playing with my hair! The official photographer noticed and ran over to take some pics. The bridesmaids thought they'd touch me lots and pose (yes it's a difficult life sometimes). This pic was just as they started posing. Now that is a cool moment in time if I must say so myself!!

Hey and yes, I am DJing again this Sunday on RTR FM 92.1 in Perth at 11pm. The website is so tune in, hipsters!

Monday, May 08, 2006

it's been a long hard few weeks.
It was Kevlar's wedding on Friday. I'll put some great photos up in a couple of days..
This one's of Tae putting for Japan at Supa Golf!

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