Thursday, June 30, 2005

Karri trees are really large

Climbing Gloucester Tree
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
I think i'd like to become a forest dweller for a while. It was so relaxed down south, 3 days was not enough. Gloucester Tree is one of the highest tree top fire watchtowers in the world, being 62 metres above the ground, with a peg ladder going around it in a spiral. I managed only to climb about a third of it, my hands were freezing and a case of vertigo began to set in so i'll leave the tree top til next time. There were sunny days until we started to drive back to Perth, how cool was that?

Sunday, June 26, 2005


Yay! Tomorrow I will leave Perth for a few days. I am feeling burned out here, I need a break. I went to a party in Mundaring last night, it was nearly an hour out of town! ai chihuahua! that's a long way to go for a party.

I've just read an article about all the dodgy crimes that have been happening in Portugal. That sounds awful- its amazing how we hear all about the alleged seedy activities of Michael Jackson, and yet at the same time there is a major case of child sex crimes in Portugal, and I only hear about it via a news link on Elise's blog. Why does this not make the news in Australia? We only hear about the western English speaking world news. I am shocked that it doesn't even get a mention on our news, yet we hear about Shane Warne's marriage break up! The world is crazy sometimes.

Other news.. Simon returned from Jakarta on Friday. He said he was living like a king there; he had massages everyday, free shoe shine, a house keeper, cook and cleaner etc. I think I could grow to live like that!

I'm thinking about going for a holiday in Vietnam in a few weeks. I wonder how much money i'll need there.. I gotta get out of town, my brain is gooey. I think Homer Simpson was onto something when he said: "every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain". I really think this last 6 months has done something to my general intelligence.

Hey, if anyone reads this, i'll be DJing on in two weeks on 12th July. I'll write more again to confirm it. Ambient Zone, for two hours of ambient and electronic tunes.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

the hunt for a job

So far, Latvia is looking like a good internship plan, but at the moment it seems to be a part time project, with me not going there for another six months. I can't get a meeting with the coordinator of the program until next Monday or Tuesday, so no specific details til then. I'm a bit worried it's all a bit vague, so i'm a bit 'hmmm'ish about it. I'll see how it is after that. I've started putting the pressure on NLV to find me a permanent position, but no news on that. Lotsa more options and ideas to have yet.. But I am OVER being poor!

Last night they had me at the cardboard factory slaveing until midnight. Hard work i tells ya, but the money is good. A few more of those shifts will help me through, but ugh, it's so mind-numbingly boring! A radio would be the first thing i'd need if i worked there more.

Wow, work-talk in my blog.

Ooh i saw a cool old Jackie Chan movie on the weekend, 'Young Master'. The action was great! The hair: BAD. All the characters had Bruce Lee wannabe hair, in true 1970s glory. It was great to see a totally Hong Kong film, without all that crappy Hollywood moralising, predictability and stuff.

Party season begins..

I have 1 minute to write here, so I'll be quick.
I went to a 21st party on Friday, and it started slow. I got there in my Heffner dressing gown, complete with grandpa pipe, boxer shorts and ugg boots - as it was a pyjama party. Before long the birthday girl declared as she was cutting the cake that she wanted to shag the 16 year old boy standing accross the room. Next thing she was revealing virtually all of herself to the party, followed by some random pashing to a girl friend of hers. It went downhill from there, cameras, nudity, rolling around on the carpet, bedroom doors being locked, and everyone drinking way too much! You know, I haven't been to an out of control party like this for ages. I really like the hedonism and craziness that only happens in some parties. I say bring it on! Time to break out of the 'sipping drinks and polite conversation' parties. I want craziness!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Feeling nostalgic on the last day of university.

I feel sad today. Here I am about to finish off my last two article summaries for Planning Theory, of which I will be intensely happy about. This semester's study has sucked major ass, as this blog can testisfy to my constant complaining. But the fact that I am not coming back here to Curtin next semester makes me feel a twinge of sadness, and I know that I will have to let go of another part of my life. It also is very exciting, as finally I will be able to get a full time job, a career path at last, and get some money to my name! It's the uni lifestyle that I am going to miss the most. The faces, the strangers who you see everyday but say hi to because you know their faces - I will miss that. This is a chapter of my life where I have met all of my new friends, some are still here, some have already moved on. Now it's crunch time, and its time to get out of my little cocoon of comfort and do stuff again.

I am pretty excited about it when I think about it. So many options for me! I just hope that I don't get too many job rejections, I had a summer full of them and I know after a while it does get me down. Next week I'll follow up the Latvia option, and I'll make the grand changeover from Austudy to the Dole. Ironic how i will receive $70 a week more for being unemployed than when I was a student trying to improve my life. Hopefully that won't last long, I'm no teen stoner and I want to be moving asap. Hmm, I think in the next couple of weeks it is time for a holiday. I just got an email from Frankie and surprise surprise she's been to a few countries since we chatted last (yes I am envious of her lifestyle:- except for that enemy-of-the-state-of-Indonesia thing), I'll treat her movements as inspiration to get me travelling again!

I just stopped everything to look around at my surroundings. All will be different at the end of today. Sad.. but also cool. I only have one regret from this place ..I never did get to have sex on the roof of the gymnasium!

Hehe, the Mauritian Fabios and whats-is-name, the "Prince" from Columbia (everyone knows him, but can never remember his name) have just walked into the Abacus computer lab. Those guys will be having a party next week, it should be a mighty fine way to end uni. All will be fine and debaucherous. ..Oh and of course I will miss the ample booty watch that has been my favourite subject at uni. Goodbye to all those sweet sweet looking butts on campus.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Latvia for Grant maybe?

I have come accross an opportunity to do an internship in Latvia. It sounds pretty exciting, but I just don't know how I will be able to afford it. I was looking at a similar program last year, but it was mostly orientated towards business students and marketing stuff, of which I am mostly uninterested. The project, in the 5 minute description I heard about today, is based near Riga and is about social planning and integration programs for youth. That sounds really interesting, next week I will find out some more about it. I have no idea how my expenses will be paid for in an internship. A possible scholarship was mentioned, but will this cover my rent, or plane fares or food? I am not sure. Hmm Frankie did an internship with the ICG, I should ask for her advice.. I don't want my parents to finance me through it, they've lent me enough money as it is!

Cyd & Sarana take a leap

Cydne & Sarana take a leap
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
This is my favourite pic of Cyd and Sarana, taken 2 years back down in Freo. Blackwall Reach is seriously high, i'm talking 10 metres or something like that, way above the tops of yacht masts. We were all pretty shit scared, as it was getting pretty windy. Go lomo!

Emma and Sazzle

I just got a text this morning from Emma informing me she's meeting Sarah Sazzle this week in Dublin. How cool, one of my fave people will be meeting one of my other funky mates! I hope they get on, otherwise it'll be my fault if there's dodginess between them. Ooh, everyone is travelling around, except me! I want to go and disco down with them by the (murky) Liffey. It seems like only a few weeks ago that Sarah was hanging out at Casa de Brun with everyone, now she's living in Dublin with her new man that she met in Broome. Time flies when you study - the strange thing is, I am sitting in the same seat I was when I started writing my blog 6 months ago, and nothing has changed in my life. .. well, I do have a degree now I suppose :P
So, there will be a few good parties happening this weekend, I think the Fabios from Maritius (I think I spelled that incorrectly) are having a large party in City Beach on Saturday night, that will be good. I can feel a holiday coming on..

Monday, June 13, 2005

Time to stress less

Finally I have finished my last essay! Woo hoo! I have been looking forward to this for SOOO long, yay frickety yay! I've only got a few article summaries to go and its all over! This is the last of the stressy assessments done - finished - finito - the end, I'll just cruise through with the homework styled summaries now. Time to find some uni peeps who wish to commence some drinking with me at the uni tav.. Wow, how much did this semester's workload suck ass?
I've got so much to arrange now, parties, jobs, graduate positions, all those little things that I've never got round to doing, and of course most importantly: holidays!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
The first day of uni 2004, the day after Jess returned from Brazil and I returned from Thailand.
That was a good day indeed!

Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
This was taken on a lazy day on Jess' farm, and there were only a few minutes where the sun peeped through the clouds to let us take some pics. Wait til i get the baby lamb pics online, they are sickengly cute!

Cassandra starts her tv career

cassie on tv
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
Here's another random pic. Cassie interviewed Peter Costello, the federal treasurer on 'Meet the Press' last year. 'twas kinda strange seeing Cassie on a political show, seeing as she was only 14 at the time!

short lederhosen
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
I've got the feeling Spongebob lederpants owns a pair of these.

lederhosen leg
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
This is what it's all about! Now sing along with me.. "We all love to live and love in lederhosen..!"

Kyoto Jazz Massive in Perth

Last night I weathered the incessent rains and ventured to Ambar to see some of the Kyoto Jazz Massive dudes perform. It was a fine evening with fine sounds and I was pretty impressed. There were funky tunes like I have not heard for a long while. Ooh ah, they even got Jessica shaking her (very fine) booty, and she had a cold. It woulda been much better had i finished this last report which is the reason for why I am sitting in front of a computer on a Saturday morning. Next week I will party much easier, cos my mind will be relaxed - at last!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
Who's up for a holiday in Moldova? Even better, lets go to Transdnistria and hang out in the world's biggest gangster 'state'. Did you know a large percentage of Eastern Moldovan girls have gone missing and been sold into human trafficking rackets? I did a major research project on Moldova for my International Relations major last year, and it's a very interesting and neglected topic, that not enough people know about - but should. Guess which country refuses to remove their troops from Moldovan territory, defying international conventions, and as a result encourages the brutal rule of crime lords in Transdnistria? Moldova can be a successful country, not to mention it produces the finest wines in Europe (other than France!), and this country needs to be given the chance to stand on its feet.
Here's a pic from the archives of Grant's photo album. We had some serious bushfires in January, and the normally snazzy view of Perth is completely smoked out. Now that I'm finishing uni, my hard drive on the uni computer is about to be wiped. So in the next few weeks, I'll probably put lots of random pics online, so I don't lose everything. Hmm, have I got any naughty ones..?

Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.

Dick Darstardly and Mutley

Last night I had such a headache from sitting here typing all day that the only solution was to go to JB to relax. Yes that sounds strange, its a large noisy shop, but I haven't spent any money for weeks, and I needed to feel like a citizen of the world again. The therapy was good, I found myself an 11 episode dvd of the Wacky Races, and a Cleopatra Jones 70s blaxploitation flick in the $7 bin.

The question must be asked: Will the Wacky Races be as cool as they were when I was a kiddum in the 80s?

The answer: YES!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Benders Robot Porn
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
Hehe, this pics for all you Futurama nerds out there!

Lomo Dog

Lomo Dog
Originally uploaded by mrlederhosen.
This funky pic is from the international lomo archive. It kinda reminds me of an old album cover from the 90s band Loop.

1 essay to go before freedom

Woo hoo! One essay complete! Coming in at a wordcount of 3,420 words, I am happy to say I hope I never see it again. Of course now I have to start the next essay, of which I really have no idea what to do..
Hey I thought I'd mention that I've started hanging with Tom again. He's my old best bud from Sydney and we haven't seen each other in years, but we've recently got in touch again, and i'm real happy 'bout that. I hate how you look back on fun times you have had and wonder where the people you did it all with disappear to. Well I tracked down Mr T and he's a Queensland boy these days. I'll try not to hold that against him, but if he gets that Queensland accent - he's gotta go! I wonder what happened to everyone else from those days.. I spose I am the guy who left Sydney, but still it'd be great to find out what everyone's doing with their lives. Vince is in Marrickville with Sue, Kitty's off the picture, Button is still in Darlinghurst, Kitt and Connor are still at Alpha House and that's about all I know. Funny how when you charge ahead with your life you can lose touch. I keep in touch with my Euro pals cos I buy the phone cards and harass them every few months, but with the local-ish friends, that's harder. Life would be hard without my regular dose of Emma (the Irish sex-fiend), and then Sarah the pom, Katrin and Senta in Berlin, Kelin in Tartu, Renata in Warsaw (or wherever she is), Walter the yank, and Anna in Thailand.

Well, when I finally get a job, I assume one day I will then have $$. I think I have to travel again soon. Life is too short to be in Perth all the time, especially when it is the most isolated city in the world! But now I have got myself in another pickle; I have some great new friends here now, and its so great to have my old school friends around. Life here is good.
Ah huh! I have an answer. I'll travel with my new friends! Sheesh I'm a right clever trousers sometimes ;P

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

mrlederhosen goes global! Now you can read my rants in 8 mediocrely translated languages. I'll put some pics up soon, I have a few lomo pics I need to scan first. Then i can find a way to get mpeg bits online.

After 3 days of writing, it has come down to this question:
What is a more effective framework for idealised concepts in urban planning - utopian theoretical frameworks, or communitarianism?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Music to study by

I'm currently listening to:
Super Science - Love Like Life in Minature
Luscious electronica, I can't belive I didn't hear this when it was release a few years ago, in Adelaide. Sometimes it plays over and over on a loop
Proswell - Carrot Dossier
This has got to be the best sound I have heard since I first discovered Squarepusher all those years ago. The man is a genius!
Proem - Socially Inept
Soooo smooth. I think I will fly to Florida just to see this guy.
City of God Soundtrack
Has there ever been a better driving album? I think not. This baby charges me up at the start and end of the day.

Monday, June 06, 2005

It's now 10.35 and I've had to make some major changes and it's back to 1000 words. This must be oh so riveting reading. I took a 3 hour break, and dropped in to see Jeffo. He blew some greens into my face to make my study more interesting. Not a good idea, as I need to concentrate! I should rename this blog 'procrasto-blog'.
3.40pm and I've written 120 more words!
.. maybe I should do this every 15 minutes for the rest of the essay, mmh, how exciting.
The girl working at the computer next to me is eating curry chips.

So this is what an authors life must be like - when they have writers block

3.15pm and the word count is 735. It's no longer a sunny day, actually it's raining out in the world. Now that I know I can't be frolicking on the beach, I am starting to power up my work pace.

Elvis burgers no more

Last night I surprised myself by sitting in front of the telly whilst eating dinner and watched a documentary about Elvis Presley. I was scornful of the annoying 60 minutes style at the start, but soon I was dragged into watching it to the end. The funny thing is I normally hate schmaltz like that, but I realised that I knew nothing about him. Now I feel bad for using his name in vain everytime I eat a burger or feel bloated. As annoying as those sycophantic shows about celebrities are, I had never realised how much of a socially responsible bloke he was, and how his decline was actually pretty tragic. Wow, I learned something from tv. What'll it be next - I learn to love everyone because Jerry Springer teaches me a lesson from the weirdos on his show? .. I need to get out more..

Super cool special fun times online

Hmmmm. I'm writing an essay on a public holiday. The kids next door are running around having fun, and that reminds me that I'm not.. This essay is sitting on the 2 line mark, and it's not getting any longer..

Saturday, June 04, 2005

seedy saturday

Yesterday was the final booze up at Curtin Uni for me. I hand in the last of my assessments in 2 weeks and then its time to get busy with my life again. It turned out to be quite the ripsnorter of a party, with people from all my little groups of pals i've had since first year turning up and getting arsed up on the amber action. i finally got to meet that girl who inspired me to study planning, her name is Louise. That was good. It was great to let go and enjoy myself again finally, although I'm sure i'll be doing that a lot more when i get the last of these freaking essays in. I had some good work stuff happen on thursday, and checked out the new NLV site in Mandurah, but I'm outta time now, i gotta get out of here. I'll fill in on work opportunities later. I'm more in the mood to strap on the pith helmet and go searching for new tunes. I seem to have just stumbled on some new labels, thanks to alj, and there's a lot of discoverin' to be had now..
oh , i've decided to dust off the drum kit and get some electro band action happening. I need to find a good way to meet some electro folk to put a collective together.. where do you find these people? most of my friends have no idea about (and dont like the sounds of) the stuff i want to do, i don't know where to look for like minds.. i used to know a heap of clan analogue and elefant traks guys in sydney, but that was 5 years ago, who knows where to find some perth folk.. time to get offa me buttocks and start looking!
If you read this and you know someone, it'd be tops to hear from you.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I'm feeling shallow at the moment. I am so loaded up with uni work that I feel like I am not really thinking, other than in student mode. I want to feel like I have a life again. Errg. This blog is turning out to be a whinge-pad.. again! well, it'll charge up again soon, once i have handed all my work in. Only 3 projects to go..
To make myself feel better, last night Jessica and I went to Planet in Mt Lawley for some escapism to find some new music. Instead I found an awesome German film in a bargain bin! I'm such a nerd sometimes.. It's one of those epic films that move slowly, and you catch the end of after coming home from a late night and switch on the telly. I've been looking for it for months, but suddenly there it was, sitting in the $14 bin! It's called 'Aguirre, wrath of god', directed by Werner Herzog, and its set in the Amazon during the time of the Spanish conquest. One day i'll be a real nerd and by a projector so I can watch these films on the big screen! Pity no one is as interested in these things as I am.. a wierdo film boffin friend is so hard to find. Emma was good for this, we used to catch wacky films at the Irish Film Centre every week, and we saw some whoppers! I bought myself 'Requiem for a Dream' months ago, but still can't bring myself to watch it. It was too similar to a situation that happened in my life a few years ago with a friend, and it just makes me feel really depressed. SO, if someone reads this who lives in Perth, and is interested in rainy Sundays movie action, write to me, cos I wanna meet ya!
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